Friday, August 31, 2012

Having a Hard Day!

(Microsoft Publisher 2007)
I have been going through a rough few years and this last week, I took a leap of faith and did something to hopefully put my life on a better course.  Unfortunately, that leap of faith didn't "fix" everything.  I have struggled to KNOW who I am, KNOW what I believe, and I have dedicated 2 years to find that out.

I could go on and on about my journey over the last 2 years, but, we all have our journeys we are going through.  We can't sit and stew about how hard it has been, or ask "How much longer?"  We must keep looking forward, with hope in our eyes, for a better day.

So as I have been struggling with sleep for a week, I was prompted before bed, to click on the follow list of videos from the Relief Society on facebook.  (I didn't even know the R.S. was on facebook, did you?)

I took a few minutes to watch almost all of them.  As I did, the spirit washed over me, peace FILLED my heart, comfort surrounded me and I KNEW I was NOT ALONE!  Though I don't have the answers to fix the problems I am facing personally right now, I DO BELIEVE that the answers and time will come that I will know what to do.  

Until then, I will continue to surround myself with positive thoughts, encouraging words to myself, gratitude that I am even able to face these problems with hope to overcome them, and love for me and all those around me.  I can not describe the pain my "problems" cause me, but though the pain goes DEEP and is a BURDEN to bear, I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE and I can do this!

I am so grateful for this knowledge and I am so grateful to have someplace, somewhere that I am loved for being me.  Though the world, my neighbors, the school, even family or friends may not agree with me or understand me, I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE!  I KNOW I AM LOVED AND ACCEPTED for who I am and who I will become.  I am me!

This is where you can find the videos.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!  If not today, another day.  Just know they are there!

All my love ~

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