Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1st Day of School

I did it!  Yes, I did it!  I made it through the 1st day of school!  I honestly didn't think I was going to make it, and still functioning (somewhat) too!

I have tried to prepare my oldest for his 1st day of Junior High.

Doesn't E look just THRILLED to go?  I'll be honest, this was taken after school was already over.  Not a bad reaction to the first day!  He got his locker to open before school started, no problem (his biggest fear).  And he moved past the embarrassement of dropping his pizza at lunch on the floor.  He said, "I still ate it Mom!"  What a cute kid!

In all the hussle and bussle, I forgot to tell him where I would pick him up after school.  So . . . I waited for him to call me himself.  He did and he did a great job!  No use driving up there with a hundred other 7th grade parents, who are in a panic because they forgot to talk about it too.  I am VERY PROUD of how E handled today!  Way to go E!

K also had a great start to her 1st day of 3rd grade.  This is kind of a "wait and see" year for me.  This is the year that we moved E from his neighborhood school up to Oakridge Elementary because he wasn't thriving at Spring Lane.  It was a rough few years on me.  We have come so far.  It will be interesting to see how K does in 3rd grade.  

Just look at her beautiful, beaming face!  She is going to ROCK this year!

I got to take advantage of walking her into school today.  I just had to snap this picture of her.  GORGEOUS!

This is a blurry shot but I had to add it.  Look at her hair, it just glows!  What a gift she has!

G couldn't help having a picture taken too.  I don't know that he really understands that he will be going to school too!  Poor lamb.  Hope he catches on quickly!

K was so brave to go to school WITHOUT the complete pile of supplies her teacher asked for.  I was just too tired Saturday to go to Walmart.  I decided to give them a life lesson and sent them to school, not only without all the supplies asked for but also without a homemade lunch.  We had NO peanut butter or mayo in the house.  How do you make a sandwich without either of those condiments?
But at the end of the day, did they remember all of that?  No!  They were just grateful to get a warm welcome home and a chance to share what they learned today!  Home really is where the heart is!
Happy 1st day of school!

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