Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Forgive Me!

Hello you all!  I beg your forgiveness but I am SO TIRED from today that I just can't blog.  I am also a bit stressed out about our flight home starting at 4:30 Thursday morning.  I am trying to wrap my head around feeding my children all 3 meals in an airplane or at the airport.  AHHHH!  It is SO EXPENSIVE and they dislike the food, VERY MUCH!

Okay, I am also SUPER SAD we are leaving but at the same time too excited to just be home.  I feel like I am split down the middle.  In all honesty, I am glad to be coming home but I am going to miss it here so much that I can start crying if I let myself really think about it.

Volcano Barva - this is where I wish I could go tomorrow!

I want, so badly, to go driving around tomorrow, looking at one more volcano.  That has been my favorite part of Costa Rica, the driving and scenery of this beautiful country.  How can I NOT go tomorrow?  But how can I?  We need to pack at least 10 bags of luggage, make banana bread for breakfast on the plane, make and eat our "last supper" in Costa Rica, probably say good-bye to our landlady and her husband, pack the cars and then go to bed for our early start.

This is a bit daunting and a huge price to pay for coming on this trip, BUT WELL WORTH IT!  (I MUST keep saying this to myself OVER, and OVER, and OVER on the plane ride home!)

So, forgive me for not filling you in on the fun details today.  I will do it tomorrow while the laundry is washing, bread is baking and the kids get a chance to swim one last time.  I guess this is the tough part of being a grown-up / mom, you have to put aside your desires for what is best for the entire family.  Driving them to one more volcano takes ALL DAY!  We don't have that luxury.  I just hope I have the opportunity to come back again one day and see even more of this beautiful country!

Good night and talk to you all tomorrow!  ~  Wendi

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