Friday, August 31, 2012

Having a Hard Day!

(Microsoft Publisher 2007)
I have been going through a rough few years and this last week, I took a leap of faith and did something to hopefully put my life on a better course.  Unfortunately, that leap of faith didn't "fix" everything.  I have struggled to KNOW who I am, KNOW what I believe, and I have dedicated 2 years to find that out.

I could go on and on about my journey over the last 2 years, but, we all have our journeys we are going through.  We can't sit and stew about how hard it has been, or ask "How much longer?"  We must keep looking forward, with hope in our eyes, for a better day.

So as I have been struggling with sleep for a week, I was prompted before bed, to click on the follow list of videos from the Relief Society on facebook.  (I didn't even know the R.S. was on facebook, did you?)

I took a few minutes to watch almost all of them.  As I did, the spirit washed over me, peace FILLED my heart, comfort surrounded me and I KNEW I was NOT ALONE!  Though I don't have the answers to fix the problems I am facing personally right now, I DO BELIEVE that the answers and time will come that I will know what to do.  

Until then, I will continue to surround myself with positive thoughts, encouraging words to myself, gratitude that I am even able to face these problems with hope to overcome them, and love for me and all those around me.  I can not describe the pain my "problems" cause me, but though the pain goes DEEP and is a BURDEN to bear, I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE and I can do this!

I am so grateful for this knowledge and I am so grateful to have someplace, somewhere that I am loved for being me.  Though the world, my neighbors, the school, even family or friends may not agree with me or understand me, I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE!  I KNOW I AM LOVED AND ACCEPTED for who I am and who I will become.  I am me!

This is where you can find the videos.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!  If not today, another day.  Just know they are there!

All my love ~

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Carpool problem solved!

Thank you everyone for your helpful feedback!

I went today from carpooling 4 kids down to 2. Though it took a lot of bravery, to potentially disappoint people, I made the best choice for me and my family. I worked things out and I think everyone is happy with the outcome.

I will be carpooling with a child near our home, that is all. Better for us both!

Thanks again! I am glad I asked the question!! Love always~ Wendi

The Art of BALANCE . . .

The last few days have been more than difficult.  They have been EXHAUSTING!  I don't know if it is jet lag, or Paul's flu bug from Costa Rica, or something I might have caught on the plane.  But all I know is that if I don't keep myself balanced, I am going to lose it!

Having four in school, at four completely different schedules is almost putting me on the brink of insanity.  

What happened to the good old days when the Big Yellow School Bus would come pick up the kids and take them to school for you?  I miss those days!  I ache for them!  But whining won't change the fact that this is my situation and I MUST push through this scheduling mess - called My Life!

Fortunately, I am "looking" into joining a carpool for my oldest who starts school much earlier than my other children.  This is my first time in a carpool since I was the one being "pooled" to school.  I was actually kicked out of my carpool - TOO MANY BAD HAIR DAYS!

But with texting now days, we can instantly tell the other driver that they don't need to come.  Instead of waving them away in the drive way and upsetting them because we didn't call before they left the house.  Cool changes I must admit, but is carpooling better than just driving E up there when I want him there?

What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1st Day of School

I did it!  Yes, I did it!  I made it through the 1st day of school!  I honestly didn't think I was going to make it, and still functioning (somewhat) too!

I have tried to prepare my oldest for his 1st day of Junior High.

Doesn't E look just THRILLED to go?  I'll be honest, this was taken after school was already over.  Not a bad reaction to the first day!  He got his locker to open before school started, no problem (his biggest fear).  And he moved past the embarrassement of dropping his pizza at lunch on the floor.  He said, "I still ate it Mom!"  What a cute kid!

In all the hussle and bussle, I forgot to tell him where I would pick him up after school.  So . . . I waited for him to call me himself.  He did and he did a great job!  No use driving up there with a hundred other 7th grade parents, who are in a panic because they forgot to talk about it too.  I am VERY PROUD of how E handled today!  Way to go E!

K also had a great start to her 1st day of 3rd grade.  This is kind of a "wait and see" year for me.  This is the year that we moved E from his neighborhood school up to Oakridge Elementary because he wasn't thriving at Spring Lane.  It was a rough few years on me.  We have come so far.  It will be interesting to see how K does in 3rd grade.  

Just look at her beautiful, beaming face!  She is going to ROCK this year!

I got to take advantage of walking her into school today.  I just had to snap this picture of her.  GORGEOUS!

This is a blurry shot but I had to add it.  Look at her hair, it just glows!  What a gift she has!

G couldn't help having a picture taken too.  I don't know that he really understands that he will be going to school too!  Poor lamb.  Hope he catches on quickly!

K was so brave to go to school WITHOUT the complete pile of supplies her teacher asked for.  I was just too tired Saturday to go to Walmart.  I decided to give them a life lesson and sent them to school, not only without all the supplies asked for but also without a homemade lunch.  We had NO peanut butter or mayo in the house.  How do you make a sandwich without either of those condiments?
But at the end of the day, did they remember all of that?  No!  They were just grateful to get a warm welcome home and a chance to share what they learned today!  Home really is where the heart is!
Happy 1st day of school!

Monday, August 27, 2012

I LOVE Sunday!

 I LOVE Sunday!  I always have.  It is my favorite day of the week.  Even as a child I loved Sunday.  It was the one day that I could count on my father being home, dinner on the table, great conversation and none of the regular distractions that come during the week.

Paul and I have tried very hard to continue with that same tradition and I believe we have done very well at it.  Our favorite thing to do on Sunday is to invite a family or families over for dinner.  The kids ask every week, "Who's coming to dinner?" or "Are we having anyone over for dinner?"  

 Nothing too fancy, mind you.  (I love this place setting!  Must try it this fall!)  But we do use our china, nice "silverware", cloth napkins, breakable glasses and we even eat over carpet.  It all makes for a nice experience and something my kid's friends actually enjoy coming to.

I think they love it because we don't do the "usual" things kids do all week.  We do things like: build forts out of blankets, or build a huge city out of Lincoln Logs, play "Hide and Go Seek" in the basement with all the kids, pretend, giggle, talk, color, draw, build legos, sing, play the piano/musical instruments, laugh, talk and talk and talk.  It is so much fun!

At first, most kids are shocked by how we do things here.  But by the end of the night, they are crying that they "have to" go home and asked when they can come again.  I am here to tell you moms out there that THIS WORKS!  This is how I grew up playing and this is a great way to "unplug" from the rest of the world and "return to our innocence" (song playing in background . .  NOW!).

We have had many of our closest friends, neighbors and family over for dinner.  But our favorite guests are . . . the new couples who move into the neighborhood!

We love to see their faces as they watch Paul and I TRY to get our kids to hold still, be quiet, use both hands, lean over, eat with their fork, not pick their noses, stop crying, stop touching their siblings and JUST EAT! I always wonder if we have scared them for life from ever wanting to have children of their own. 
Fortunately, almost every couple we have had over for dinner has had a child by now.  So no harm has truly been done!  I hope?

The other thing I LOVE about Sundays is a good afternoon NAP!

By the end of the week I am just exhausted.  I feel a lot like this.  But not a nap like this. 

But like this!  A peaceful, restful nap.  One that leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to finish the day and start a new week.  I LOVE those naps.  I don't get them very often.  But when I do, boy they are my mecca.  If I could just get in one good nap a week, I think my life would be sweet.

Today wasn't a napping day.  I am still jet lagged and I have actually been having a difficult time sleeping at night.  I toss and turn all night, my body aches and I just don't feel rested when I wake.  I am going to try to go to sleep "early" tonight - 10:00 p.m.

I have even been faithfully using my CPAP machine, but I still can't seem to sleep.  School starts tomorrow at 7:45 a.m. for E and he needs to be there early to pick up his new schedule.  I need to look halfway descent in case he needs me to go in with him. That makes for a VERY EARLY morning!  So, I hope by going to bed early, I can at least get enough sleep so I am not a crab all day.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How do you like it?

I have changed my blog.  Kind of a shock, I know! 

I think I just needed to make a change from being in a "Costa Rica world" to my world here, at home.  

I wanted to find something that showed who I am on the inside.  I hope you like what I have done.  

Please give me your honest feedback - nothing MEAN though!

But I would LOVE to hear how it looks from your end.

Love ya!  Thanks for reading!  

Nails . . .

I have been a nail biter for as long as I can remember.  Some say it is a nasty habit?  I have never understood why.  
They say it is because it can make you sick to put your fingers in your mouth. . . sounds like a stronger immune system to me.

They say it can cause you pain and bleeding if you bite your nails to far. . . So don't bite so far next time?  

They say it can give you hang nails or infections . . . Well, just be careful!

I honestly have had no problems with biting my nails.  I actually really enjoyed doing it.  It was something I actually looked forward to doing.  It was a stress reliever for me, especially during really intense scenes in a movie.

Yes, I can hear you saying, "GROSS and EW!"  But guess what?  It doesn't phase me, because I have heard that for YEARS and it has NEVER STOPPED ME . . . until now.


Well, while I was in Costa Rica, look what happened . . . 

I grew my nails.  And it was completely by accident too.  I just happened to look down one day and saw these amazingly long and STRONG nails on my hand.  I instantly tried to see if I could bite one, but I couldn't.  It was too thick.  I have NEVER had nails this thick or long before in my life!

I checked Paul's nails and he too had long nails and his were strong like mine.  He was excited to discover how strong his nails were as well.  Because his nails are usually super weak and tear easily.  We couldn't imagaine what Costa Rica offered that Utah didn't, in growing strong nails without trying.  Was it the ocean water?  Was it the milk we drank?  Was it the lack of processed food and chemicals in our diets? 

Who knows?  But after having had these nails for a few weeks, I decided it was time to give growing my nails out a try.  

At first I was going to treat myself to a manicure and "watch" how they do it, so I could do it myself.  But I am far too tired and too cheap to do that right now.  Then the idea came to me to research how to do it on the web.

I found dozens of "DYI manicures" on YouTube.  It was great!  Now I not only have strong, long and shiny nails, but my nails are filed and don't snag on things anymore.

So, what do you think?  Should I give it a try or just bite them off?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Coming Home!

I just couldn't sleep any longer.  I don't know if it was L coming to bed with us, first time in Costa Rica, in the middle of the night or the fact I needed to use the restroom at 4 a.m., first time for me as well.  But I just couldn't sleep.
I lay in bed, realizing how tired I was going to feel if I just didn't get a few more minutes of sleep before our alarm went off.  But sure enough, 30 minutes past in a flash and 4:30 a.m. was here.

It was the first time, in Costa Rica, I had woken in the morning to see it still dark.  We had grown accustom to sun rays coming through our curtains at 5:00 a.m. and us fighting to sleep through it.  This was strange for us all.

Paul woke the children, helped them get dressed and I did the girl's hair, as well as my own.  We were all so excited!  The kids couldn't help it.  It honestly felt better than anticipating a day at Disneyland (having fun Heather and Dave?)  The kids wanted this to happen more than anything.
We grabbed everything we could think of, piled into the car and then reverently said a family prayer.  We breathed a sigh of "we'll miss you Costa Rica house" and backed out of our two car garage.

It only took a few minutes to arrive at the car rental agency.  Of course, I forgot to fill the tank to full.  They charged us $30 for 1/4th a tank.  A full tank cost us $50 at the gas station.  ALWAYS FILL YOUR TANK WITH GAS THE NIGHT BEFORE!!  Ooops!
 Paul loaded our luggage onto the shuttle and then hopped in.  I was surprised.  I thought we were saying our goodbyes here.  But he decided to help us as far as he was allowed.  I was SO GRATEFUL!  
The airport was a ZOO!  I would have been stressed out in an instant.  But with Paul there, I just stood patiently with the kids, feeding them my homemade banana bread, while waiting in line to check in our luggage.  It seemed to take forever, but that wasn't forever compared to the rest of our day. 

After our luggage was checked in, Paul weaved us through the crowded airport to security.  This is where he had to say goodbye.  The kids were still pumped to leave, so they quickly hugged their dad in excitement to get to the plane.  Paul and I embraced for as long as the kids allowed us.  It was hard to leave him there and I could see in his eyes that it was hard for him to see us go, leaving him here, ALL ALONE!

But we had to go!  We showed our passports to the 1st security agent and joined the 100's of people in line for security.  The line was SO LONG!  It just weaved around and around and around.  We saw a university soccer team from Mexico in line with us. We had enough time in line to look them up and see if we knew any of the players in line.  That was fun for E but the little kids had fun teasing and bugging eachother - not so fun for mom.  
As we made it to the scanner, I noticed a line that went straight to the front, by-passing all this "weaving".  The people were elderly or had babies in strollers.  I wondered why I hadn't been sent to that line.  Paul told me later that if the security agents had known I was a "GOLD MEDALLION" with Delta, that I could have gone in that line as well.  Oh Paul, don't tell me that now.  AHHHH!

I should have known that this was going to be a foreshadowing of our day.  But I chose to brush it off and just move forward.  We got to the gate and the seats were filled, every other one, with people.  Where was my family of 5 to sit together?  Well . . . on the floor!  No one offered to move or make room.  What happened to civil behavior, manners and kindness to women and children?  Nope, survival of the fittest baby!
 By the way, this is an image that came up on Google, when I typed in "gentlemanly kindness to women and children."  Pretty cool huh!  That is quite the reputation if Google puts your picture with that search!  Way to go President Thomas S. Monson!  (Love that man!)

After we "got comfortable," I called Paul to tell him we made it to the gate and we're getting ready to board the plane.  He was so sad.  I could hear the home sickness settling into his chest.  I could feel the pain this was causing him.  I figured that anything I was going to go through today was going to be better than what he had to face for a week and a half, ALL ALONE in Costa Rica.  Poor Guy!

I heard, in mumbled Spanish, that they were boarding our plane and Zone 1 was being called to board.  I grabbed the kids in a hurry and pushed/weaved our way through the line that had already formed.  (I hate to do this.  I always feel that I am assuming no one else is Zone 1 in this huge line.  Yes, I am usually right but what if someone yells out, "HEY LADY, GET TO THE BACK OF THE LINE?"  Then what?  How embarrassing!)
So we made it to the check-in agent, scanned our tickets but then each and every one of us was "wanded" for security.  SERIOUSLY!  Yes, the kids too!  Then they had to check our bags - all 5! CRAZY HUH!  I would have let it bother me but they were doing it to EVERYONE!  Got to love Costa Rican security!

After that, a long plane ride to Atlanta looked like a welcomed rest.  We got situated.  Me and the boys shared three seats on one side of the plane.  The girls shared their seats with a woman who had been in line with us since the luggage check in.  At first I didn't know how she would handle being with children.  But she did just fine.  Actually more than fine!  She took care of and looked after the girls.  She shared the food she ordered and also helped K, the millions of times she needed to put her tray up to reach under the chair and get something.  SUPER PATIENT and a SUPER BLESSING!

The first plane trip went fairly well.  E was in heaven because he had been asking Paul and I if we thought he was old enough to watch "The Avengers" with one of us by his side.  I didn't think he could handle it, being rated PG13.  But guess what was being shown as the in-flight movie? 
 "The Avengers!'  SERIOUSLY!  So E, K, and sometimes G, had fun watching this movie.  I kept my eye on E, asking him periodically to fill me in on the details.  E turned his eyes away or pulled out the ear plugs from time to time, when he wasn't sure if he could handle what "might" happen.  I was proud of him for that.  But overall, he did well and handled the "edited" version of the movie.  What a blessing!  E was able to satisfy a desire and was blessed to do it in a safer way than I could have ever provided him!  Are we counting the blessings yet?  I should be!

During the flight, the only real issue was food.  Delta didn't serve a menu.  Don't know why?  But they didn't.  All they provided were snack boxes, luckily I had free vouchers to buy some.  We got 2 and a fruit plate (that was $7.50) and shared it between the 5 of us.  At first the kids didn't like the food but after an hour or so, it was eaten before we landed.

The landing of a plane at sea level is MY WORST NIGHTMARE!  I DISLIKE IT SO MUCH that I wonder if I should just puke and get it over with?  But with 4 children to care for, puking isn't a good choice!  So, I "deal with it" and pray we land any minute.  After the landing, I have to get my "sea legs" back.  No fun with 4 children tearing out of a plane.  

I don't know why they were in such a hurry, because we only had MORE LINES to get through before we could even enter the actual airport of Atlanta, Georgia.  This is where my mom comes in.  She equipped me with backpack leashes for my two littlest children.  

(If only we looked this cute!)
At first, I was truly for it.  Then I saw how demeaning it must look from other viewer's perspectives.  
(This is what L looked like at many points during our long day.  Yes, I AM BEING SERIOUS!)
But with CROWDS of people, grumpy/impatient security guards, lines, lines and MORE LINES, the chaos sets in and I become GRATEFUL for those leashes.  It was the ONLY WAY I could keep G & L safe, so I did it and it worked!

The night before, I had said family prayer and asked Heavenly Father for patience, kind people around us, and helpful hearts.  Well, we received all of that!  In Atlanta, you must collect your luggage and re-check it before you can go to your next flight.  Seems easy for one or two people, right?  Well, try 4 children, 2 of which are leashed and want to test out these new restraints, and 8 large/heavy pieces of luggage.  I NEEDED HELP!

Fortunately the sweetest man, an employee who gets tipped for helping with luggage, offered his services.  Now, I am a cheap skate, remember?  So for me to say yes was completely out of desperation.  He jumped at the chance.  But as we were walking to the luggage turn-styles, I realized I didn't have any tipping money on me.  I said, "Stop.  I can't let you help me.  I don't have any money to tip you."  He looked at me for only a moment and said, "That's okay Ma'am, I need to do a good turn daily anyway.  You will be mine today!"  I wanted to cry.  How could I humble myself enough to let this man help me and NOT pay him?
(This is what people must have seen.  Woman, small children, LOTS of luggage.  But Phillip packed our bags MUCH nicer than this and with gentle care.)
I just HAD TO!  I needed the help and he wanted the chance to serve.  I had to suck it up and let him.  He was so patient.  He waited for all 8 of our bags, picking each one up with care, like I was going to tip him $100 for helping us out.  He was so proud to help "this woman and her kids."  I was nervous about where to go next and asked him.  He said, "Don't worry Ma'am, just right down this way."  And he lead us down a skinny line, pushing a huge cargo cart loaded with our bags.  He then took the luggage and checked it in for us.  I didn't lift one figure to help him.  He did it ALL on his own.  What a true gentleman.  What a true saint!

I reached out my hand and thanked him from my heart.  I asked him his name, he said, "Phillip, ma'am!"  I said, "My name is Wendi.  Thank you Phillip for helping us today.  Thank you!"  I gave him my softest smile and warmest regards and off we went to ANOTHER security area.

This time, the people weren't so friendly.  But we made it through.  Luckily only E and myself had to remove our shoes.  In Costa Rica, ALL of us had to.  After the last security check, we were done and ready to find some food.  We asked for a Wendy's in the GIGANTIC airport and found one, two terminals away from the terminal we were leaving from.
(The Atlanta Terminal Train - FAST moving.  Just enough time to hop in and hold on for dear life!)
I don't know if you have been to Atlanta's airport, but it is HUGE.  We found the train to take us to terminal C and hopped on (my biggest worry!  These things are FAST and not kid friendly.)  We made it in one piece.  The kids ran to the moving walkways, thinking this was the way to the food, but we found we were going the wrong direction.  OH WELL!  They got to go back the way they came.  It made their day!

We ordered a nice lunch: chicken sandwich - littlest 3 shared, baconator for E (growing?), single for me, fries, 2 baked potatoes and a frosty.  YUM!  We still had a half an hour before we needed to leave for our gate, so we found the Delta Sky Club at terminal A.  We used the restroom, tried to charge our batteries, grabbed some apples for the plane, ate cheese, celery, and carrots.  Relaxed a few minutes and then left for our gate.

We boarded the plane, got settled and waited.  And waited.  AND waited.  AND WAITED!  The pilot would come on the intercom from time to time and say, "About 10-15 more minutes and we should be on our way."  After an hour, we finally shut the door to the plane and taxied to the runway.  That was when ANOTHER light came on, that there were other issues.  So we turned back.  We sat at the gate for another hour, when they finally said, "Everyone off the plane."  Seriously!  Now what?

(The plane was already practically empty by the time they asked us to leave.  I think the kids are happy to get off the plane?)
I wondered what Delta was planning to do?  With so many people waiting at the gate, we couldn't hear ANY of the announcements they were making in the airport.  Many of us just huddled together, asking what each of us knew.  We FINALLY found out that another plane was coming to take our plane's place and we would be flying soon.  Soon?  How soon? Now it was running into dinner time.  My kids would be starving on this flight if I didn't feed them.  Would I have time to run them all down to the food court and pick up some food?  

How was I up to this point?  Well, frustrated that I didn't know what to do but I chose to stay positive.  MANY of the people on the plane lost their patience and insisted on leaving the plane immediately upon arriving at the gate, to catch another flight.  They were so "put out" and rude about the problems the plane was having.  I for one was grateful the pilot turned the plane around.  My life was worth more than a few hours or even a day.  I was willing to chose patience, but I also didn't have a connecting flight.  But I did have 5 people to take care of and what airline would just "happen" to have 5 seats together for me to transfer to.  Not any, I am guessing.

So, I chilled out and tried to cheer up as many people around me that I could. Fortunately two nice men, one from India (wearing a head wrap) and another who used to work on ships in Alaska, played with the kids.  They talked to the kids, made them several paper airplanes and even let the kids climb all over them.  They were another blessing for us that day.

  Finally, I decided I better run and get food, it looked as though things were going to happen soon.  As I left, this cute lady/woman, Sarah, (someone I and the kids had made friends with on the plane) called and told me about meal vouchers from Delta.  I ran back, got $64.00 in food vouchers from Delta.  Sarah also gave me her $12 she got.  I ran, purchased not much food but spent alot of the money.  Ran back, just in time to get seated in Zone 1.  CRAZY!  Luckily I hadn't used my money to pay for the food. It was NASTY!!!

Looked so good, tasted TERRIBLE!
We got situated, buckled up and the plane took off!  The kids watched an hour of t.v. - no movies this flight (satellite TV only) and then they all fell asleep.  I had the rest of the time to myself. I channel surfed.  Watched a "Rock Center" on the Mormons (bugged me - I am super sensitive to Mormon criticism) and then I realized I had better wake the kids.  I couldn't carry them through the airport.  They needed to walk themselves to the shuttle. 

I gentled started to wake them.  Got their shoes on.  Packed up our belongings.  And then the plane landed.  Poor Kids.  We were at the front of the plane - Economy Comfort, behind 1st class - so we NEEDED TO MOVE and FAST!  They did great!  I had to carry two bags and L but I did it and never stopped to rest.  My arms are still sore today, but we made it.  We found our bags, said goodbye to Sarah, my angel and "sister wife" and loaded up in the Express Shuttle to drive home at 12:00 a.m.
I have NEVER been so happy to be home!

After 18.5 hours, life looks pretty great!  I am SUPER GRATEFUL for this experience.  This is something I would have NEVER created for myself to work through.  I am grateful that my Father in Heaven knew I could handle this and blessed me with WONDERFUL PEOPLE and an ABUNDANCE of PATIENCE Thursday.  I KNOW I didn't make it through this journey alone!

By the way, almost all of the pictures used today were from google images.

Lots of Love  ~  Wendi

Friday, August 24, 2012

Feels GOOD to be home!

I am so grateful to be home!  I am still in a bit of a fog, jet lag and sleep deprivation I think.  But boy does this feel GREAT!  The kids were SO CUTE last night, when we FINALLY arrived home.  They walked around the house, at 1:00 a.m., looking at everything they had taken for granted.  

"I love this red couch.  I love this garage.  I missed carpet on the floors.  I love this fridge.  I love this dishwasher.  I love these stairs.  I love this room (their bedroom).  I missed having a blanket to sleep with."

 SO CUTE!!!  

As for me, this is what I missed . . .
My dishwasher
My disposal in my LARGE sink, with a sprayer.  Oh, my sprayer!!!
Okay . . . MY KITCHEN!!!
Even walking by this front door I missed!  Silly, but true.
 I just can't help it. 
I LOVE my home and I love it more now because I KNOW what I have here.  I didn't know before this experience to Costa Rica.  But I am seeing it better every day.  I am so glad to be home!  I am so grateful to live where I do.  I am so grateful to be surrounded by so many I love and who love me.
So stop on by, because . . . I AM HOME!!!

Good Night  ~  Wendi