Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fun with Daddy!

We had a wonderful day with Daddy!  ALL DAY TOO!  We let Paul choose what he would like to do with us today.  He had his pick of: the beach, the Children's Museum, the Gold Museum, or a trip to a volcano.  He chose the beach!
The Kids LOVED the idea!  (E & K swimming to their hearts content!)

I loved it too!  Since I got the chance to actually swim with the bigger kids once Paul had his turn in the ocean.  But Paul had his own fun with the little kids.
He helped the little ones build this AWESOME castle.  They LOVED every minute of it!
Paul also enjoyed taking some fun pictures of G, doing what G does best. 
Being a boy!
After a bit of prodding, L got the hang of playing in the ocean.  Poor kid.  She has been terrified of the water, ever since L and Paul's accident a few Saturdays ago.
But with Paul's help and a lot of patience, we got her finding seashells and bringing them to me in the water.  Got to love distractions!
After a lot of swimming, castle building, and finding seashells, we had some lunch!  This time the monkeys were no where to be found.  We did see some just as we got to the beach but they didn't come back until we were ready to leave.  So, we had a marvelous meal with no distractions!
 After some more swimming in the beautiful Costa Rican Pacific Ocean, we showered, got dressed and headed home, to beat the nasty traffic.  But Paul decided to make a day of it and took us to the mall.  The kids had fun at this GIGANTIC mall.  They played, ate a yummy dinner and had their choice of ice cream for dessert.  We got home and EVERYONE was exhausted.  That is why I couldn't post last night, I was the most exhausted of them all.

But I have to say, the exhaustion was worth it!
Love from Costa Rica  ~  Wendi, Paul and the kids

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