Sunday, August 12, 2012

Country Club Baby!!

On Saturday, August 11th (day 13), we had the wonderful privilege to visit the local Cariari Country Club.  Our landlady's husband, Ken, took us there and showed us around.  They have a full 18 hole golf course, 14 tennis courts, full size gym, aerobics classes, Olympic size lap pool with a dozen lanes, 2 restaurants and 3 kiddie pools with playground equipment on the grass. 

After the grand tour, Ken left us to do as we pleased and told us to stay as long as we could.  The children, of course, chose to go swimming.  Because Paul still had stitches, he wasn't able to get wet or play any tennis.  Poor guy!  But he did agree to watch the kids in the pools while I got to go swim some laps.  Paul even ran home and picked up my swimming gear for me.  What a sweetheart! 
So after a quick change, we had some fun!

G is going down a slide that takes you from one pool to the next.  WOW . . .

THIS . . .

LOOKS . . .

LIKE . . .


AWESOME!!!  (that is E at the bottom of the slide now).

K actually made a cute friend.

G took a leap of faith and tried swimming with floaties.  This is HUGE for him because he has been terrified to get his ears wet (tubes 3 times in 2 years).  This is the closest his ears have ever gotten to a pool.

We are happy for you too G!  We love you!

L decided she would be brave and go in the tube all by herself.  She usually stays away from ANY water.  She loves it and feels so free and in charge.  Good job L!
 While the little kids played in the 3 kiddie pools, E, K and I went swimming in the lap pool.  We shared a lane and had fun swimming together.  K actually swam the full 50 meters on her own.  I was worried about her getting a cramp or not making it, but she made it just fine.  E has a great front stroke and is getting better each time he swims.  I had a blast swimming 50 meter laps.  I could definitely do this every day!
With all that swimming, we got HUNGRY!!  So we got dressed and Paul treated us to lunch at the Country Club's Hole 19 restaurant. 
We enjoyed hamburgers (beef is hard to come by in Costa Rica and a treat when you get it), fish sticks, chicken sticks and hot dogs with some very yummy french fries.  Paul also treated us to a fresh strawberry smoothie.  YUM!
Having a day at the Country Club is just what our family needed!  We are so thankful to Ken and AnaMaria Booth for inviting us into their lives and treating us as one of their children.  It has made us all SO VERY HAPPY!  Right L? (Paul took this amazing picture of L!)

Today was also one of the largest RAIN STORMS Costa Rica has seen in awhile.  Here is just a small glimpse of what it was like today.  The amount of water that came down was just INCREDIBLE!
Love you tons  ~  Wendi


  1. Ooh, this looks fun. You should definitely spend a lot of your trip at the country club.:)

  2. I agree! They said I could go whenever I like but I kind of feel silly going by myself. I just need to suck it up and do it.

  3. I love the picture of L on the swing! Everyone looks like they had a great day. So many accomplishments !

  4. So much fun! I've become hooked on reading your blog and missed it while you were gone. Thanks for catching me up and letting me live vicariously through you and your sweet family!

  5. That rainstorm reminds me a lot of some we've had here! Way different from Utah, huh? Looks like you guys had fun!
