Sunday, August 12, 2012


Oh, what do you do in the winter time, when Costa Rica is green?
Do you swim in a pool, to keep yourself cool,
or go to the beach and play?
NO!  We go to three hours of Spanish speaking church.
Can we saying BORING!!

Yes, I admit, this is a bit of a negative perspective.  But please, don't get me wrong, we LOVE IT HERE!   And if we moved here, we would do EVERYTHING we could to learn the language, interact with the members, go to activities, etc.  But we don't live here and we are just visitors going to church, for 3 Sundays, and listening to nothing but Spanish for 3 hours in a row.

It can get a bit boring, OKAY, A LOT BORING!
So, what do you do???   You COLOR on your iphone and ipads with your kids.
Check out our art work.

Adam in the Garden of Eden - Wendi colored

Noah's Ark - G colored

David and Goliath - G colored

Naomi and Ruth - G colored

Joseph and the coat of many colors - G colored

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - Wendi colored

Jonah and the Big Fish - Wendi colored

I told the kids, that if they were good at church and went to their classes (all Spanish speaking) that they could have a homemade fruit snack when we got home.  They bought it!  Even L went to nursery all by herself.  It was a great day for the kids.  2 Sundays down, 1 to go.

K and L loved them, E not so much.  G not at all.

But G wanted to be in the picture anyway.
As for me, I was SO BORED from church that I decided to make a family favorite dessert when I got home . . . CARROT CAKE with cream cheese lime frosting.  I just needed to do something productive after sitting still for 3 hours straight.  

Next I made homemade pizza for our dinner guests, Ken and AnaMaria Booth, our landlady and her husband.  Ken stopped by and took the kids on a ride in his golf cart.  They had a wonderful time.  We had a lovely night visiting with them.  I even taught Ken had to make pizza crust.  He made the kid's pepperoni pizza and did a great job!  That was the only pizza our guests ate.  I made deep dish Hawaiian.  Only Paul and I ate that.  Oh well, leftovers for ME!

Well, this is an end to another WONDERFUL day!  I do have to say that even though church was SUPER BORING, it did make me appreciate all the MANY lessons I HAVE HEARD in English but also made me think, do I really listen?  It made me realize that I DO LOVE IT HERE and WISH I could live here everyday.  But until that wish/dream comes true, I want to live my best life in Utah.  I want to appreciate and enjoy people speaking to me and I GET to understand them.  I want to enjoy that I have SO MANY FRIENDS but so little time to spend with them, but that is okay!  At least I have friends and at least I get to see them when I can.

I want to enjoy the fact that I GET to live in a house of my own and that I don't share a wall with anyone next door.  And that we can be as loud as we want without worrying about the neighbors hearing.  I want to enjoy the fact that I have the best neighbors in the world, the best family in the world and the best friends a girl could wish for.  I want to be happy today and not hold my breath for what tomorrow may bring.  I want to be Wendi and accept Wendi for who she is today, who she is striving to be tomorrow and who she will become in the end.  I know I will be delightfully surprised.

So, from one girl who is pulled out of her "Utah bubble" for a month, take it from her, you have a GOOD LIFE - FIND THE JOY IN IT, it is right in front of your face.

All my love  ~  Wendi


  1. Church is sometimes boring even when you can understand it. Thanks for helping put everything into perspective. Maybe for next sunday you can play "bingo" and listen for the words you know in Spanish. Just a thought to break it up a bit?!

  2. I LOVE that idea! My dad suggested we take a Spanish class while we are here. That was a week ago and now I am kicking myself for not doing it. I thought it wasn't necessary since we were only going to be here for 25 days. Okay, now I am seeing HOW LONG 25 days are. Taking a "tourist version" of Spanish would have been helpful after all. Maybe I will have Paul think of some words we can listen for in Spanish and then I will draw up some Bingo cards. The people around us will think we are nuts (we don't have pews, we sit in plastic chairs like you find in the primary room, only bigger). But I will give it a go. Thanks!! Wendi

  3. Good words of advice as always! Thank you!
